Building Info

Building Office and Guard's Desk

The Dunster House main entrance is located on Cowperthwaite Street, just across from 5 Cowperthwaite Street and next to 8 Cowperthwaite Street. There are two stone pillars marking the walkway leading to the main door. The Building Manager and Guard's Office are located just inside and to the left of the main entrance. The Building Manager oversees the physical facility, including all maintenance and repairs, coordinates the work of the custodial staff, and manages mail and package deliveries for Dunster residents.

Building Manager


Jairo Interiano

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Closed on Weekends & Holidays

Security Guard Hours

Guard Hours

Monday - Sunday (seven days a week)
4:00 PM - 8:00 AM

After Hours

If guard is not available, please call “Alpha” security dispatcher at 617-496-9370 and the security guard will be paged. Any building related emergency, please contact the Harvard Operation Center at 617-495-5560.


Packages can be picked up and signed out at the Guard's Office. Please be prepared to show your HUID, wear a mask, and follow social distancing guidelines at all times.

DeWolfe Students

The facilities at 20 DeWolfe Street are overseen by the Building Manager at Eliot House, Paul Hegarty. Dunster students living in DeWolfe, please feel free to reach out to Paul directly with any facilites related questions!