Nathán Goldberg

Nathán Goldberg

Non-Resident Tutor
Nathan Goldberg

Nathán is a Global Sports Fellow at the Weatherhead Center, where he is conducting original research at the intersection of women’s soccer and social issues. A proud Dunster Moose while in college, he holds a joint degree in Philosophy and Statistics. Since playing for and captaining the Men’s Varsity Soccer team, he has worked across various domains of the soccer world, including for professional first-division clubs (men’s & women’s), for senior national teams, and for the US Soccer Federation. Nathán is also the president of Bluebonnet Data, a political non-profit founded right here in Dunster that recruits and trains people with data and tech backgrounds to volunteer for down-ballot progressive campaigns. If you like soccer, politics, or the intersection of soccer and politics, he’d love to chat!